Pacha-Puyu: Learning from the Cloud Forest

Leymebamba, Peru


The goal of the Pacha-Puyu project is to develop environmental education in the scope of intervention of the Private Conservation Area (PCA) Los Chilchos. This area is located in Leymebamba Peasant Community and has an extension of 46,000 hectares. It was recognized as a private conservation area in 2012 by the National Service of Natural Protected Areas by the State (SERNANP). The area is rich in biodiversity and endemisms and covers several ecosystems such as cloud forests or Yungas, Andean forests and grasslands.

Where the project takes place

The project is located in a district known as the Leymebamba, province Chachapoyas, in the Peruvian Amazonas region. The project has a current duration of eight months, until December 2021. 

What are we doing?

The project develops several activities involving the local community and annexes. These include:

  1. Environmental education in local schools.
  2. Radial spots to raise awareness of the population about the area.
  3. Give continuity to the TINI methodology in Leymebamba local school
  4. Contribute to the maintenance of the “Combi Runakay” to promote the appropriation of the local population.
  5. Give technical support to the Conservation Committee of the PCA Los Chilchos. 


Stories from ANICOA - Agrupación de Niños y Jóvenes con Conciencia Ambiental

The Stories of ANICOA, the Agrupación de Niños y Jóvenes con Conciencia Ambiental, includes a collection of 12 original stories written by children from Leymebamba, in the Amazonas region of Peru. This storybook narrates the experiences and traditions of their community.

gaia-liNc e.V has been supporting the development of this book, for which the authors received recognition from the Regional Government of Amazonas as well as a certificate from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

    Partners involved in the project

    Conservation Committee of the PCA Los Chilchos in Leymebamba

    The Conservation Committee is responsible for the management the PCA Los Chilchos. We provide technical support for the elaboration of reports and other documentation for SERNANP about the developed activities in the PCA. We also give support for the implementation of the Conservation Committee’s projects, such as the “Adopt a Tree” project, developed with the NGO Conservamos por Naturaleza, of the Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental (SPDA).

    Pastoral Social

    This is an interdisciplinary group conformed mainly by elderly members, with management capacity and leadership in Leymebmaba. We are currently working with them in a biogarden with biofertilizers and bioinsecticides, with the idea to replicate this activity in communities and annexes. This group is an important ally for the development of integral activities, such as environmental education and raising awareness about conservation.

    Send us a message sharing your ideas for collaboration in terms of projects, capacity building, local support and more! We love to hear your ideas. 

    To learn more about this project, inquiries may be sent to