
Anika Ruess

Vice-President of gaia-liNc e.V. 

Munich, Germany

Areas of knowledge:

  • Environmental Policy & Regulation
  • Waste Management 

Education:  M.Sc. in Sustainable Resource Management with focus on Waste Management and Environmental Policy at the Technical University of Munich, B.Sc. in Political Science with focus on Climate & Environmental Politics, B.Sc. in Law and Economics with focus on Business and Management at the University of Augsburg.

Areas of expertise:

My areas of expertise are business and environmental law as well as consulting for corporate social responsibility strategies. I aim to deepen into interdisciplinary sustainability projects related to political conflicts and disruptive technical innovations. 



My work experience in Germany is specialized in the fields of environmental and sustainability consultancy, sustainability assurance, environmental compliance, energy law, corporate social responsibility strategies as well as social business strategies. 

What drew you to gaia-liNc’s mission:

At the age of 18 I already traveled 5 months alone through Australia, at 22 I lived 6 months alone in Barcelona and finally I traveled through Central and South America for a total of 6 months, including volunteering in the Slums of Lima, Peru. By traveling almost exclusively by bus, I tried to keep my CO2 footprint as small as possible. In addition to my personal development during this time, I was shocked by experiencing the enormous differences of consumption-levels in developing, emerging and industrialized countries. At the moment my desire for long and big journeys is at odds with my CO2 footprint. With gaia-liNc e.V. I want to try to contribute to sustainable development without long journeys.

Favorite Quote:

“Since we tacitly assume that we are detached from the ecosystem of our planet, we are constantly surprised by phenomena resulting from our close association with it. And as the influence of our civilization grows exponentially, the surprises become more and more unpleasant.” –Al Gore, Six Drivers of Global Change, 2013.